Program and livestream

Mix&Match: 01.–30.09.2024

Doors open at 19:00 – Concerts start at 20:00
Entrance on donation

Festival Weekend: 03.–04.10.2024

Doors open at 19:00 – Concerts start at 20:00
7€ reduced*, 15€ full price
The concerts will be live-streamed by

*We understand that financial situations can vary, and we strive to make the concerts accessible to everyone. If the reduced ticket price is too expensive for you, please contact us, and we will find a solution.


The 28 musicians will be divided into groups and will perform the following works:

On 03.10. at ZiMMT
Opening with the Ensemble Modèle Réduit
EMR is a collective of improvising musicians from the Leipzig area and originates directly from the “ZiXP” festival. The focus of our collaborative work is to expand the vocabulary of both material and form through our own and adapted concepts, performance instructions, and indeterministic scores. The organizational form of the ensemble, as well as our music, aspires to the ideal of open-ended, self-determined, and non-hierarchical interaction among autonomous individuals.


— The jam that binds —
It’s a video social score
From a parallel world.
Music makers work
In groups
And group think
Everyone can see the score.
However, things always happen,
well, out of sight in layers,
Both implicitly and explicitly.


From unknown silences
a poetic composition by Pauline Oliveros about listening and the diversity of sounds.


On 04.10. at ZiMMT
Der alte Drache schläft
Composition for many players and audience, by Izabela Kałduńska & Malo Moray.
Everything breathes. This most primal of all rhythms accompanies us from beginning to end. The length of a cycle determines the size of a creature’s lungs. How does the breath of a giant creature feel up close? Together, the breath becomes an archaic force of nature, both protective and threatening at the same time.


Fragments (Fluttering, Buzzing)
is a soft and sensuous open-form piece exploring the possibilities of group interaction, of being and playing together, of coming close and diverging.


Festival ending with the Ensemble Modèle Réduit